3 Ways to Save Your Electricity Bills

3 Ways to Save Your Electricity Bills - Renable Blog
Everyone knows that you can actually use the amount of money you spend on utilities like electricity into something else. But electricity is simply essential for our modern life, and it's almost impossible to avoid using electronics unless you live like some kind of hippie who needs no light and whatnot.

Saving up your electricity bills is not an easy task, but still, it's doable. Sure, you need to sacrifice something along the way, but it's worth the effort if you can actually save some dollars despite using it for electricity. It's a win-win for you, who may be able to buy some dress you see in a random boutique or even to decrease the guilt from involving in the global warming phenomenon.

What ways can you take to do so? Let's take a look!

1. Lamps and Lights.

Whether you use a light bulb or electrical lamps, you must have something in your house. However, did you know that the lamp itself affects the level of utilities you use every day?

Change your current lamp to CFL ( Compact Fluorescent Lamp ), as CFL saves up to 80% energy than the most kinds of a lamp. Apart from that, it is also more longlasting up to 10 times. You can use longer, and save money from that. And don't forget to turn off the light when it's not used.

2. Computer.

Are you currently using PC on a laptop? Maybe it's time to consider using a laptop instead, because not only laptop is rather more practical than PC, but also because a laptop consumes 5 times electricity less than PC. While doing that, you can also use the power management feature to save more energy.

Are you kind of person who will just leave your laptop as it is when you don't use it? Change your habit and always turn it off when you don't use your laptop as leaving it on sleep or hibernate mode could be equal to using 1.000 kWh per years. Yup, that's the same number as the electricity used for the whole house.

If you want to save more, you can also use one plug-in that connects to all your devices so whenever you leave the house, you can just turn it off through a single button. Not only that it's easy and practical, but also it saves your time and money too.

3. Air Conditioner/Heater.

Turn the temperature from 24 to 45 ⁰C / 75.2 to 133 ⁰F. The electricity used is increasing whenever you decrease the temperature. So, make sure that you use the heater wisely and not too excessive. Apart from that, you also have to make sure that you clean up the condenser, filter, and air conditioner coil. It needs to be done at least once is a very month so that the function of an air conditioner can be optimized.

You already do it but it doesn't help you to decrease the amount of money you spend on electricity bills? Then maybe it is time for you to use a timer, as the weather tends to get normalized by midnight to 4 AM at the latest. You can turn in the timer so your air conditioner or heater can be turned off around that time.

Also, avoid using an air conditioner or heater when the weather is not that bad. It is always great to breathe the fresh air. And when you do, not only you save the earth from global warming by using less air conditioner and heater, but you also can save your electricity bills from spending too much.

So, those are some ways you can try to save your electricity bills next month. What kind of methods does your prefer to use in order to save up? Why do you choose it?

Let me know you make a big success through one of the recommended ways and don't forget to always use your electricity wisely.

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